Yvonne Arlott

Woodturning Artist

Yvonne Arlott Artistic Woodturning

Yvonne & Release - Dragon Sculpture
Yvonne & Release - Dragon Sculpture

Yvonne Arlott has been woodturning for many years and over that time she has not only progressed into creating works of art but has built up a reputation internationally with her work and woodturning DVD selling all over the world.

Yvonne specialises in turning artistic work that is bought by collectors but is also ideal as a corporate gift, wedding present or gift for that special occasion. Her work has also been bought on serveral occasions with the intention of it being an heirloom. She has undertaken numerous commissions and, using a Pyrography kit, can also personalise any piece further on request.

All the pieces Yvonne makes are hand crafted both on and off the lathe using a mixture of traditional carving tools, with modern electrical and pneumatic powered tools.

Woodturning DVD available in PAL or NTSC format

Yvonne has received numerous requests for information on how she does the lacework technique so often featured in her more intricate work. This DVD has been released providing information on this exact subject by guiding the viewer through 4 individual projects, of which 3 incorporate the lacework technique.

The projects covered are the turning of a thin bowl followed by a lacework bowl, a fish vase and the Sea Life Vase with the techniques shown including the turning, laying out of the designs and carving.

Oriental Bowl - Sculptural Form
Ornamental Bowl

"when I made that first cut I was captivated"

In the autumn of 1999 Yvonne took her first cut through the rough dirty exterior of a piece of timber to reveal the beautiful grain underneath and was captivated. It was at that moment that she decided to teach herself woodturning and make it her career. She taught herself using books, videos and a lot of trial and error!

Initially she explored as many styles of woodturning as possible with the aim of first learning to turn anything and then going on to develop new designs of her own.

At only 22 her standard and expertise were such that she was accepted onto the Register of Professional Turners supported by the Worshipful Company of Turners of London.


Woodturning DVD cover

The Woodturning DVD called Lacework Techniques with Yvonne Arlott continues to sell all round the world.

Internationally Known Woodturner